Saturday, May 17, 2008

Time and again

Yeah, it keeps happening time and again .. first of all i might be dwelling on some "old" news in this post cos i was on a 'holiday' until now ..

So, its just one of those times when someone you really hate wins, i'm not talking of my board exam, but rather of the epl championship. For all the hatred many people feel and share for Ferguson and his boys, they always seem to do right things at the right time and not only get away with it, but come up on top .. so much for all of sir alex's non-fans.

And as for my board exams, yeah there are people i hate, who did better than me .. but the hate i feel for them is not intense. In fact, i feel no hate, cos may be deep down i KNOW what i want to do with my head and my life ..
Btw, i was at a farm-house in the middle of a coffee estate in Sakleshpur (karnataka) and baby, baby, baby, .. i get bitten by some snake .. lol so much for a holiday .. (i'm alive) ..
We (couple cousin bro's and cousin sis) were driving unto the night when an interesting "me first !! , no Me first !!" was going on the road, the road was hell narrow in the ghat section when both a SUV and a truck (huge huge load at the rear end) tried to make a pass at the same time, with the truck ascending, the suv going down .. There was no way the truck could go off the road lest it should tumble down, but so much for the suv guy's ego, he didnt go off the road to let the truck pass .. then some words ran outta my mouth " one's got a fat head, and the other a fat ass"

Now now now .. i know i'm one, am i the other as well ??


Karthik Manamcheri said...

why don't u make a seperate post for you holidays "adventures" lol ..

Ken said...
