Yeah .. Yeah .. Yeah .. Just today someone told me that homosexuality isn't legal in India. But then, when did legality count here. With India's rich cultural heritage beautifully portrayed in movies like "Water" and India's growing economy like in the "Slumdog Millionaire", I'm quite shocked by what i've been observing lately !!
So .. Anyways, assume a boy and a girl go walking on the road .. they stop and exchange a good kiss .. Mostly they ll be attacked by the moral police .. Why do they do this ? .. Why is it sooo difficult for them to just go about doing their business ?
Is kissing ? an expression of love, wrong ? obscene ? When these wretched hypocrites go abt smooching their 1+ wives in respective bedrooms ? Yuck .. Whatever .. But there's just one thing i'm curious about : Why do they indulge in moral policing ? What is it that strikes them "disgusting" enough ? I thought of a few possible reasons ..
>> Their wives would never kiss them in public in fear of being seen with a pair of pig-lips !
>> He's never got to kiss anyone .. gone humping first thing, always i guess !
>> He's plain jealous that not a hag looked at him when he was 20 !
>> His wife(s) is a prude and has taken up celibacy !
>> He's plain jobless !
Honestly, if i saw a couple doing it on the road side, at the most i ll walk by with a amused look on my face .. cmon .. live porn .. where's it not welcome ? ;)
[No .. i don't watch porn .. it disinterests me]
And yeah .. coming back to the actual point, all this makes me think, deep down, India somehow in some unimaginable angle is promoting homosexuality ! .. My friends n me can't stop thinking the vast possiblities of erm ... in college hostels .. twosomes .. threesomes.. polysomes .. (did u know .. some of the rooms in my col has as many as 10 people in a single room .. WOW .. imagine that ! .. A good rainbow party they ll throw for themselves ;) .. )
However merciless or grouse this may sound to you, this is how our minds think .. and i don't give a frickin shit ! .. They don't mind two girls holding the other's hand and walking on the road .. They think it's harmless friendship for life .. friendship ? .. Hmmm .. Muhahaha .. !! ..
Gone are the days when u talked to no one of the opposite sex and u were talked of as a chaste and well-brought piece of shit .. Today, if you are a guy and u dont talk to girls, and don't have a girlfriend either .. then there may very well be a group of people thinking you are a sure shot gay !
"There is only one right form for a story and if you fail to find that form, the story will not tell itself.”
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Days of the Year aren't jealous of Feb 14 anymore :D
I honestly don't get it .. People say : put nothing in paper, cos it may be held against you .. India may be one of the rare few countries where a 80-yr old with more than 3 wives is elected s the Chief Minister .. Or nincompoop who's had more than 50 film releases, starts a political party on his own .. WHAT THE FUCK !!
But if a guy who is unmarried is with an unmarried girl and roams on the streets or hols her hand .. or dines in a restaurant, he is gonna be forced to marry her .. wait wait wait .. Only on Feb 14 .. right .. How dumb can these people get ? .. It's funny if u see it my way .. Don't they understand that people who date on Feb 14 will date on any other day as well .. So what's with the whole Valentine's Day stigma ?
Feb 14 is receiving extra extra attention in India ! .. Cos it's an understood taboo .. Just like sex .. Now people wonder why it's such a taboo and end up getting AIDS (2.5 million is not too big a number, is it ?) .. Since we very well know how reliable law-enforcement is in India, couples ll definitely prefer shifting their Feb 14 plans to another date .. Meaning Feb 14 will lose it's status in India but the dating will go unabated .. So good news for the Other Days of the Year .. Feb 14 will now get as much less attention as you guys get .. dont you worry honeys' .. Big daddy - culture conservationist has taken care of it !
Have fun ! .. cya !! .. And Just a teaser for Mr.Feb6 :

I honestly don't get it .. People say : put nothing in paper, cos it may be held against you .. India may be one of the rare few countries where a 80-yr old with more than 3 wives is elected s the Chief Minister .. Or nincompoop who's had more than 50 film releases, starts a political party on his own .. WHAT THE FUCK !!
But if a guy who is unmarried is with an unmarried girl and roams on the streets or hols her hand .. or dines in a restaurant, he is gonna be forced to marry her .. wait wait wait .. Only on Feb 14 .. right .. How dumb can these people get ? .. It's funny if u see it my way .. Don't they understand that people who date on Feb 14 will date on any other day as well .. So what's with the whole Valentine's Day stigma ?
Feb 14 is receiving extra extra attention in India ! .. Cos it's an understood taboo .. Just like sex .. Now people wonder why it's such a taboo and end up getting AIDS (2.5 million is not too big a number, is it ?) .. Since we very well know how reliable law-enforcement is in India, couples ll definitely prefer shifting their Feb 14 plans to another date .. Meaning Feb 14 will lose it's status in India but the dating will go unabated .. So good news for the Other Days of the Year .. Feb 14 will now get as much less attention as you guys get .. dont you worry honeys' .. Big daddy - culture conservationist has taken care of it !
Have fun ! .. cya !! .. And Just a teaser for Mr.Feb6 :

reality bite,
stupidity redefined
Monday, February 2, 2009
Mosquitoes commit suicide in My wash basin
Ya .. I woke up today .. i reluctantly thrust my toothbrush into my mouth and i see about a dozen mosquitoes lying in my basin .. all dead .. Man .. what should've caused those guys to commit suicide .. Anyways .. who cares
And the other day, msk n me saw some pigeons mating !! .. (i say "some" and not "two" since pigeons are not governed by fidelity laws .. are they luckier ? .. hmmm ) .. Cha .. There are no lizards in my room .. One of my favorite pastimes is seeing them doing it .. sigh ..
Actually, i'm quite happy today .. my col has declared hols one-on-one .. leaving tom for home .. i heard TN is doing this as a sign of i-dont-know for the unrest in Sri Lanka .. There are three assignments yet to be completed .. but then who gives a shit ? .. thanks TN !
And the other day, msk n me saw some pigeons mating !! .. (i say "some" and not "two" since pigeons are not governed by fidelity laws .. are they luckier ? .. hmmm ) .. Cha .. There are no lizards in my room .. One of my favorite pastimes is seeing them doing it .. sigh ..
Actually, i'm quite happy today .. my col has declared hols one-on-one .. leaving tom for home .. i heard TN is doing this as a sign of i-dont-know for the unrest in Sri Lanka .. There are three assignments yet to be completed .. but then who gives a shit ? .. thanks TN !
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