Monday, December 20, 2010

Eddie, my Eddie

As they love putting it, Eddie came with just a head .. For those who are not familiar with Eddie or "they", i'm talking about the legendary death metal band Iron Maiden and their mascot Eddie .. One can know more about Eddie here

Eddie appears in the background in each and every concert of IM and on almost all their album covers. Now, as a girl i'm normally expected to be fond of soft toys, dolls and the like. I, however, thoroughly dislike them. But eddie is one character who has a special place in my heart.

This will be a new series titled Eddie and dedicated to him; an attempt at comedy, quaint as my sense of humor is.

EDDIE by Ken

Iron Maiden --Their music is fried chicken for my soul.
All the great men I've known, esp Ka.


#001 - My way or the highway

[Xo and Xo have been together for 6 years out of which they've lived together for 2 years. Both are physicists, atheists, metal fans. That's all you need to know for now.]

Xo: You're going out?
Xo: Yes .. My college reunion party
Xo: Don't go
Xo: Er .. ohhhk ....
Xo: i love this new lipstick
Xo: Errr .. why .. should ...
Xo: lipstick? oh .. party? Cos i dont want you to
Xo: you're going to--
Xo: the supermarket.
Xo: I ll drive you then
Xo: You stay at home.
Xo: Why can't i go to the party???
Xo: Cos we just decided you are staying home. Pay attention, Xo. tsk tsk

Xo puts on a pretty skirt and walks out of the bedroom. Xo flops over the bed exasperated]

1 comment:

Karthik Manamcheri said...

Pr: Knock Knock
Pr: Who's there ?
Pr: Me .. I kill you